Friday, August 7, 2009

Retirement Planing

Retirement Planning

As part of the retirement planning process, consider the age at which you plan to retire. The retirement plan must be coordinated and comprehensive. The basic elements of financial planning are all used in planning retirement as well.
Retirement planning may best be described as a conscious effort to plan now so that you may retire when you wish, with enough funds to accommodate the lifestyle you are accustomed to.
It may be suggested that retirement planning is financial planning, with the end goal to fund retirement sufficiently for a time of comfort and reward. Who wants to end out their life by being a burden to their families? Planning for retirement is a way to avoid that. Also, with people living longer than ever and in better health, life spans now include longer retirement years with more possibilities.
Several factors are involved in retirement planning. The first stage, or evaluation stage, involves taking a complete inventory of your exact financial standing. You must know where you are starting from in order to know where you are going. The second stage is planning your retirement goals. Each individual has a different concept of retirement. How would you like to spend your retirement? Playing with your grandchildren, or spending time traveling around the world?
In most cases, Social Security payments will be a part of your retirement plan. Periodic reports on the estimated status of your social security account should be mailed to you regularly. Ensure that you understand your options and where you will stand at the various ages of retirement. For the purpose of retirement planning, other options exist as well. Annuities and assorted types of life insurance policies can be structured to delay some taxation to later years. Address the taxation issue in line with your retirement expectations. It may not always be the best option to defer taxation until a later date. You might be expecting your retirement years to be a time of increased income.

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